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Canada Wide Woods (CWW) Product Gallery
On this page we share more ideas for your own customized woods. Please enjoy our product gallery. You are only limited by your imagination, you bring the ideas, and we will work with you to bring our visions to reality!
Sundry Wooden Shapes General Overview
Weddings, Engagements, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Centennials, Celebration of Life (in memory of), and Service Recognitions
Holiday Woods: Christmas, Hallowe'en, St. Patrick's Day, New Year's, and other festive occasions
We can serve any holiday you wish to commemorate.
Clubs, Societies, Associations, Numismatists, Museums, Congregations, Colleges, Universities, Government Agencies and Municipalities, Medical Health Centres, and other institutions and traditionists
Wooden Varieties (Miscellaneous)
Any event or occasion can be commemorated, just use your imagination...
Business Woods
Great way to advertise your company in the marketplace!
Office: (403) 461-2663
Fax: (403) to come
Mail: Canada Wide Woods, #512 881 15th Ave. SW Calgary,
Alberta, Canada T2R 1R8
Logo, images, pictures, trademarked protected on behalf of Canada Wide Woods.
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